Cooperazione territoriale europea

Progetti approvati

AMIIGA - Integrated Approach to Management of Groundwater quality In Functional Urban Areas
CitiEnGov - Cities for a good energy governance
CROWD-FOUND-PORT -Central European Crowd-funding Support  
Dynamic Light -Towards Dynamic, Intelligent and Energy Efficient Urban Lighting
Energy@School - Energy optimization and behaviour change into schools of Central europe
I-CON - Improving COmpetences and skills through Food sector InNovations

MOVECIT -  Engaging employers from public bodies in establishing sustainable mobility and mobility planning
NUCLEI - Network of Technology Transfer Nodes for Enhanced open Innovation in the Central Europe advanced manufacturing and processing industry
PROLINA-CE - Efficient Practices of Land Use Management Integrating Water Resources protection  
RUMOBIL - Rural Mobility in European Regions affected by Demographic Change 
SULPiTER - Sustainable logistic for Urban and regional planning  
STREFOWA - Strategies to Reduce and Manage Food Waste in Central Europe

Secondo bando scadenza 23 luglio 2016

AWAIR - EnvironmentAl integrated, multilevel knoWledge and approaches to counteract critical AIR pollution events, improving vulnerable citizens quality of life in Central Europe Functional Urban Areas

BhENEFIT – Built Heritage, Energy and Environmental-Friendly Integrated Tools for the Sustainable Management of Historic Urban Areas

BOOSTEE-CE – Boosting energy efficiency in Central European cities through smart energy management

CEET – Central Europe Eco-Tourism: tools for nature protection

CULTURECOVERY -Protection and RECOVERY of immaterial CULTUural heritage of Central Europe through Ecomuseums

FEEDSCHOOLS - Financing Environment and Energy Efficiency development in Schools

FIRECE - Innovative Financial Instruments for industry low carbon energy transition in Central Europe

HICAPS - HIstorical CAstle ParkS

InnoPeer AVM - PEER-to-peer network of INNOvation agencies and business schools developing a novel transnational qualification programme on AdVanced Manufacturing for the needs of Central European SME

LAiRA - Landside Airports Accessibility

LOW-CARB - Capacity building for integrated low-carbon mobility planning in functional urban areas

ProteCHt - Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment

Reef 2W – Increased renewable energy and energy efficiency by integrating, combining and empowering urban wastewater and organic waste management systems

ROSIE - Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe


Social(i)Makers - Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe

SURFACE - Smart Urban Reuse Flagship Alliances in Central Europe

SYNERGY - SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central european actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industry

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